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우리아이가 달라졌어요

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작성자 이주은 (lje4361) 작성일2020-04-11 13:47 조회7,850회


Im  4th grade now

I started English  eight years old. long years ago I studied with English book but my mom have found English site. then, my mom from then on teached me tenstory.

and tenstory have kind teachers these teachers teached me very kindly and happily.

teachers have parts of fun haha. thanks for teacher, I was very happy.

when I studied story there was story telling. story telling's teachers is very kind.

the best teacher is Kwak New this teacher is storyteling teacher

but I think all of  teacher is very good and kind

my name is JUEUN. first I so thank for  my mom. my mom is the b~est teacher is with me

mom is very good  when I studied, my mom let me studing with parrot.

 parrot is cute very very cute

  Thank you mom

I'll try to study very hard even though the English is diffcult.

this is my end of self introduction

see you again bye bye!


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